Devils Signature

John Hunter was born in South Korea, rumours are his father was the head of the elite warrior society Hwarang Corps. To keep him safe he was given to a local orphanage and watched carefully before getting adopted by a Scottish couple on a Christian do-gooder society tour. Brought up in Edinburgh, living in a religious environment, bit of rephrasing needed there, living in this bat-shit crazy environment, Hunter ends up deciding Priesthood will help his current rap sheet look less colourful. It was a shock to everyone especially his parents when he actually passed his Master of Divinity. Two days post being a student-bum the Vatican knocked, they offered Hunter the greatest quantum leap career move, does he want the job, nope, does he have a choice, double nope, now he’s questioning why he didn’t choose the more favourable career option being an underground street fighter. Hunter’s life moves at a Holy Mother of God speed into a world he can only define as his worst nightmare. His transformation into a person that God and the whole of Humanity are counting on is a journey too addictive to miss.


Extracts from the book

I am definitely a Scottish Korean Ninja Warrior with smouldering looks, I don’t want to put words in your mouth, but if you want to call me a Korean Jackie Chan I can’t stop you.

“Training for what exactly? We didn’t quite cover the content part.” Campbell with a nervous laugh decides if he delivers bad news with a smile, it will lessen the blow, “Cutting to the chase Hunter, as no easy way to put this, we are recruiting you to perform Exorcisms!” 

Fearless I grabbed the demon by the throat with such force, he immediately was shocked into submission. The demon managed to say through a severely restricted windpipe in a barely audible voice “You’re a dead man”, I reply with brimming over the top confidence “Scared, I’m not” as I rip off its head.

