What the hell, I open my eyes and someone has just stepped over me, it was like seeing a foot in 3D skimming over my face. Where the heck am I, oh crap not again, I’m lying outside my hostel dorm, clearly forgot my key pass, but at least I made it this far. Montreal is top of the leader charts so far for drink, drugs and a lollipop thrown in for good measure. I crawl into the room, trying to not take my head too high off the floor, altitude sickness is a bugger. I get flashbacks of last night’s crazy partying in the French quarter, why oh why do I have to party like I am possessed, my vital organs are screaming ‘REHAB’. Just as my vital organs want their say there is a loud bang at the door and a male voice shouts, “Kara leaving in 30 for the Party in Ottawa, see you out front”. Oh shit, here I go again, no words other than popularity can be a killer.

Kara Fox Backpacking