Holy Holy Holy cow take me back now, God you’ve clearly put some newbie in charge of Heaven to Earth Transportation, they’ve royally misdirected me and boy oh boy did they screw up. I demand at once that you liquidise their soul.

Whack me with a brick, I’ve just looked at myself, you’ve made me come back as a bloody dog, simple request “Hey God, for my next life you need to get me straight back to Beverly Hills, Hollywood will be lost without its Messiah. My poor fans, the suicide rate would have peaked. For starters I did not know I had to spell it out on that damn ‘waste of space’ Next Life Request Form, 1st choice I naturally wrote “Put me where I belong”, 2nd choice, “Same as above”. No words can describe where on God’s earth you have transported me to, so wrong destination and you’ve put me in the body of an animal for ghastly sake, this is a joke explosion. I need to get back to Heaven sharpish as I’m going to create some holy hell!
